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How to send text messages from a computer and easily customize your cell phone

Have you ever wanted to send your friend a text message on his cell phone when you didn’t have access to one yourself? Do you want to customize your cell phone without additional cables and softwares? I’ve found myself in… Continue Reading →

Cell phones in schools

As cellular technology develops, some social debates erupt. It’s been in the news for some time now and parents and children are protesting against it: the ban on cellular phones in schools. How should the matter of cell phones in… Continue Reading →

What do you think of people wearing their bluetooth headsets around?

Peter Davidson asks on his blog “Do you wear your bluetooth headset around?“. He wants to know how we perceive people who do that in public. For some reason, the very first impression I get of these people is that… Continue Reading →

Monitor your cell phone usage with MinuteWatcher

If you need help monitoring your cell phone usage, or if you are tired of building up huge cell phone bills, this might be the service for you. MinuteWatcher is a service that tracks your usage and sends you periodic warnings… Continue Reading →

The top tens of cell phone radiation

CNET’s Quick guide has a list of the ten highest radiation cell phones and the ten lowest radiation cell phones. The radiation level is expressed in SAR, Specific Absorption Rate. It is the amount of radiofrequency energy absorbed by the body when using a… Continue Reading →

More tips on saving battery life

PCWorld’s “Ring in the cellular battery savings” article is giving you advices on how to get through the day with one charge of your cell phone battery. Here’s a summary of the tips: More tips are available at Four tips of prolonging… Continue Reading →

Plan your cell phone purchase carefully

After reading “Plan carefully to avoid cell phone troubles” (edit: sadly the article is no longer available online), I wanted to emphasize the fact that sell phone vendors will do everything they can to sell you extras and a contract…. Continue Reading →

Dropping your land/residential phone line to favor your cell phone, is it a good idea?

Why pay for both your phone line at home and your cellular phone? Why not keep just your cell phone? This is something I’m considering doing, and there is a good article on that subject over there: Should I ditch my… Continue Reading →

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